Enrollment Guide for HSK Online Courses for 2021 Spring Semester

作者: 时间:2020-11-11 点击数:

School of Chinese Language and Literature

Enrollment Guide for HSK Online Courses for 2021 Spring Semester

School Introduction

The School of Chinese Language and Literature (SCLL) of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) was founded in the early 1950s. It is one of the earliest institutions to offer Chinese language degree education in China. SCLL has three departments: Department of Chinese, Department of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, and Chinese Training Center.

SCLL possesses a high-quality faculty team, with over 70 full-time teachers and nearly 60 part-time teachers. Among them, teachers with senior titles accounts for 50% of the total number of teachers, all of whom have overseas learning or teaching experiences. There are currently over 1100 students enrolled in SCLL, including over 500 Chinese students and over 600 international students.

Program Introduction

Program Title: HSK Online Courses for 2021 spring Semester

Program Features: One or two HSK mock tests will be arranged. Students who excel at the formal test will be recommended to apply for degree courses at SCLL.

Course arrangement:

Course Duration: 8 weeks, from March 15 to May 7, 2021

Class Hour: 4 hours per week. 3:00-4:50 p.m. every Tuesday and Friday (Beijing Time).

Teaching method: online teaching through “Tencent Meeting” platform.

Course Content: HSK 4/5/6 pre-exam training courses

Completion requirements and evaluation criteria: Students will be issued a BFSU study certificate for international students coming to study in China after they have attended no less than 24 class hours and completed the course. Those who fail to attend the required number of class hours will not be issued a study certificate.


Qualifications: High school graduates, aged 18 or above; foreign citizens who do not hold Chinese nationality under the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China and hold valid ordinary passports; physically and mentally healthy, and friendly to China; no discipline violations, public security penalties, no criminal acts and no records.

Class opening Conditions: According to the actual situation of students, class teaching will be graded and divided into different levels. A class will only start if there are over 10 students enrolled.

Application Deadline: December 15, 2020

Application Procedure: You can only apply online.

Please log on to the International Student Service System of BFSU at https://study.bfsu.edu.cn/member/login.do

Register and sign in, choose “Individuals at their own expense”––“Short-term Program” ––“Online Courses for HSK 4/5/6” and apply.

Required Materials:

Recent full-faced passport size certificate photo;

Photocopy of Passport (Information Pages);

Affirmation Statement (can be downloaded on the System);

Admission Notice: Applicants who meet the admission requirements after review will be sent an admission notice and the relevant files by email.


Tuition fees: 2,700 yuan (RMB)

Payment: online payment or bank transfer. Please refer to the system or admission notice.

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